Staff Profile: Colin Berry

Position: Head-Chef at Krimo's
Joined the restaurant: June 2000 Initial job: Sous-Chef

Job History: Swallow Hotel Stockton 1987-94, Ayton Hall 1994-94, Didier's Hartlepool 1994-98, Al Syros 98-2000

What do I like about working here? The staff and meeting people

Favourite dishes I like cooking: Thai food

Favourite dishes I like eating: Thai food

Favourite holidays: New York, Thailand and China

Places I'd like to visit: Australia but won't because of spiders...

Heroes: The one and only Status Quo! and the Boro.

Krimo says: I met Colin long before he started at Krimo's in July 2000. He worked with Didier, my best French friend in the whole world. Didier is one of the best chefs I know personally and to get to employ someone who had worked for him was an honour for a cowboy cook like me.

Colin is tall, very, very tall and bloody thin for a chef! You know the old saying "Never trust a thin chef!" Colin has broken the mould... among other things.

From the heights of his cool head he makes all the staff look and warm up to him. His funny lines often stump newcomers but those waitresses or young chefs who have fathomed him out will always try and come back with a quick repartee.

He runs a tight ship, making all the "sailors" very comfortable even on rough evenings when waves of orders batter the galley every few minutes.

Colin, it is great having you on board!


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Krimo's ,
Et a toute l'équipe ,

Un CHEF mince ,mince alors !!

C'est pas grave !! moi même je mange comme trois et je suis svelte ,et puis comme on dit par chez nous " l'habit ne fait pas le moine ! "

I wish you much success!

Mary said...

Oh my I have been so busy with LIFE I haven't been to your new blog until now! This is great and I intend to read all the way from the beginning!!!!

Queenie said...

Colin seems to have a lot of talent, can't wait to me him.

valerie walsh said...

He is very cute too! I really enjoy these profiles and I loved the way you fuzzed out the picture and only had him sharp, neat! I trust anyone that cooks better than me because I cook cleanly and simply but not very experimental. I love to watch real pros cook.