The price of bread has shot up in the last few months.
Many reasons for this: Last summer's floods, world wheat production, oil prices, etc...but to name a few.
Does this stop us from eating bread? No chance!
Bread is life. Well, for me, anyway.
During the French Revolution, it is alleged that when Marie-Antoinette was told that the French people had no bread to eat, she flippantly said:"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!" "Let them eat cake!"
No, thank you! I'd rather have a slice of brown granary bread, you know, the one with all the healthy seeds and so on.
When I was a kid on the farm, I thought that brown bread was only what people ate when they couldn't afford "real" bread. Mind you, it didn't look as appetizing as today's Bloomers! Nowadays, it is very rare that I eat white bread apart from French baguettes.
A little while ago a friend of mine acquired a bread maker. He swears by it and says it is a piece of cake to use. You bang everything in, switch it on and a couple of hours later, you're can enjoy delicious, fresh bread.
I can think of many things that could be had instead of bread. Things such as pasta, couscous, rice, etc...
But can these replace bread?
Of course couscous can't replace bread...
The toaster would get far too messy.
Le gris boulanger bat la pâte à pleins bras
Il fait du bon pain du pain si fin que j'ai faim
On voit le facteur qui s'envole là-bas
Comme un ange bleu portant ses lettres au Bon Dieu
Chantait Charles Trenet en 1937 !
A l'heure actuelle il n'y a que les boulangers pour penser que leur pain est bon !
Il n'en est rien !!!
Il ne se conserve plus ,farine de mauvaise qualité on y trouve effectivement des additifs "bizarres". (sucre, stabilisateurs, chose incroyable que personne ne soupçonne on y incorpore des farines de soja ( transgénique)!!)
On maquille et on farde la baguette pour lui donner un coup d'authentique. Ce camouflage lui donne un petit côté "ancien fait maison" ,son pris aussi, fait partie du déguisement !
Vive la fougasse, vive le pain artisanal, vive le pain de nos campagnes, vive le pain de nos grands mères.
Vive les fours au bois. Vive les blés rustiques, vive les blés de montagne. Chétifs peut-être, mais rudement bon.
Use mine my most nights, the smell of fresh bread in the morning is fantastic even if the loaf isn't always up to par.....
T, you've just given me a great idea.
Baked beans on couscous!
You'll have to try that and tell me, cos I don't like beans on toast.
Crabtree, c'est la faute aux supermarchés!
Ils ont appris à tout maquiller. Des tomates aussi dures que des balles de golf qui ont la saveur d'un comcombre, etc...
Zephyr, j'en ai l'eau a la bouche.
Q, I couldn't go to sleep.
I'd be dreaming of jam sarnies all night...
C'est bien vrai !
Zéphyr,c'est pas gentil tu nous fais saliver !
I just love the smell of baking bread. It reminds me of my grannies' flat. She livid in a Glasgow tennament over a bakehouse. Granpa used to go down every morning to get fresh rolls for breakfast as soon as they came out of the oven. Happy days! Nothing beats fresh bread!
T'as raison, Crabtree! Zéphyr, il aime bien poétiser sur les sujets culinaires. Et il le fait avec du bon goût!
Sheffy, your grandparents were lucky.
So was I a long time ago. My mother baked flat bread just about every day and when I was young, as soon as it came off the terracotta dish, I broke off a chunk, smothered it with REAL butter and ate it with a REAL tomato... Them were the days!
No, I don't do beans on toast either. You don't expect me to be able to cook anything as compliated as that do you? :O)
Um. When you say REAL butter... What is UNREAL butter?
UNREAL butter is anything that is not REAL butter, T.
So, REAL butter comes from freshly churned milk. No additives, no e-numbers, not even packaging, just a sheet of greaseproof paper.
Is that not too cated for you?
And before you ask about UNREAL tomatoes, please try a golf ball that tastes of cucumber.
And before...
Oh I know about UNREAL tomatoes.
Unless you grew your own, that's all you could get in the UK until about 1987! :O)
I have a seedy nutty brown roll most lunch times and of late have used olive oil instead of marge with vine tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and wafer thin ham. Mmmmmh - nearly lunch time:)
That's my favourite bread, Pat.
Marge? Never!
Definitely olive oil any day... Have you ever tried first press olive oil? It's nearly as thick as butter.
Bread is my downfall - I can never have just one slice! :(
We have a breakmaker and the results are just wonderful but the bread doesn't keep as there's no preservative in it - this is a good thing though!
Who wants preservatives, Akela!
Just eat half and freeze the other half. Or just eat the lot!
Bread is my downfall too.
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