Tapas to go... going well...

...Like hot cakes, in fact!

Many of the employees from nearby offices usually have a sandwich from the local shop but since Adam and his team introduced the Tapas 2 Go, their tastebuds have been tickled.

A few of the staff from our other restaurants have also become addicted to this easy, tasty treat after a busy shift.

The proof is in the eating, as they say and it seems that Adam has also fallen for the Tapas 2 Go... Both he and Hayley have become partial to them.


Zéphyr said...

J'ai visité "Casa Del Mar" et j'ai vu les préparations des Tapas ( à la viande, aux légumes, aux fruits de mer, à la volaille). Cela doit être bons puisqu'ils sont appréciés par les gens.

A 3£.95, c'est vraiment pas cher.

Bonne chance pour Adam.

Au fait que veut dire "tapas" ?

Krimo said...

Tapas, c'est Espagnol. C'est comme la Kémia chez nous. Des petits plats qu'on sert normallement aux clients assis au bar.
Mais on peut aussi les servir à table, à la Libanaise (Mezze)

Zéphyr said...

Le mot "Kemia" n'est-il pas également d'origine espagnole ?

Conjonction d'intérêts :
- Côté tenancier, cela favorise la consommation de boisson;
- Côte client, cela apaise la faim.

Agréables souvenirs de jeunesse et d'insouciance.

Trac said...

Oooh look - there's a nice pic of you there! :O)

Tapas to go sounds like a brilliant idea to me.

Would be an even better idea, if he could deliver to Greenwich!

Krimo said...

Ta, T.
Tapas to Greenwich...
What time?
Mean or wicked?

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!