Saturday Night Flavour...

Christmas is only twelve days away. The party season is reaching its last fortnight and peak. But there is no escaping the credit crunch. Up to the middle of November, Christmas party bookings were slow in coming as everyone was being very wary of making long term plans. But on the day, customers have arrived in their droves.

Next week is pretty booked up solid in all three restaurants. Last year, Noel, Portofino's head chef kept a tally of the number of customers in the last full week leading up to Christmas Day. Over 1200 customers!
I doubt whether we will beat that record this year, but we won't be far off it.

I took these photos last night while going round our restaurants to watch revellers eating, drinking and being merry.
I caught Barry Anderson with a bit of tinsel in his hair. He threatened never to grace us with his patronage again if I published the photo on the blog.
I'll just have to blackmail him. Maybe a good bottle of red wine once a week...

By the way, don't forget to vote in our "Eating out poll" (Top right)


Zéphyr said...

" Patience et longueur de temps font plus que force ni que rage. "

Avec de la ténacité et de la persévérance vous arriverez aux résultats escomptés.

Vous n'êtes pas loin du compte !
Le maître n'apprécie son œuvre qu'à la dernière touche !

Votre raison d'être est la satisfaction du client.

Bonne chance, bon courage, joie, gaité, bonne fête et félicité à vous et à ceux qui vous entourent !

Mary said...

Glad to hear things are going well. Everything certainly looks fabulous!

Krimo said...

Merci beaucoup, Zéphyr.
J'ai bien l'impression que cette récession va être dure et longue.
J'espère que nous nous en sortirons sans trop de dégats.

Things aren't as bad as we expected yet but I hope they won't get any worse, Mary.

Anonymous said...

The place looks amazing, I'm sure you're already full to capacity with Christmas party bookings and the likes. I hope it's a very merry, festive season for you.