Krimo's and the power of crunchy carrots...

The Eating Out Poll showed that the majority of us eat out once a month followed by once a week.
I am a once-a-weeker... But I call it market research. Whenever I eat out I'm always on the lookout for new ideas.

Crunchy Carrots!!!
I feel like writing a letter to Tesco to help them save a bit of money in this current economic climate. By adding the word "crunchy" to the packaging, Tesco have unnecessarily wasted quite a few quid in extra ink.

To the best of my knowledge, carrots have, since the beginning of Time, always been crunchy. So why the emphasis?
Are there any other varieties of carrots that we haven't yet discovered?
Squeaky carrots? Silent carrots? Soft carrots?
If a carrot is soft, it's because it is defunct and is only good for the compost bin.

What next? Sweet Sugar, Salty Salt...

But, guess what? I ended up buying two bag of crunchy carrots!
I must have been subliminally enticed to buy them...
(Actually I'm joking! They were two for the price of one... They might come in handy for these dark nights.)

Please enter our Christmas Day poll... (top right)
Personally I cook our Christmas Dinner for the whole family... Grrrreat!!!


Zéphyr said...

La dernière fois je vous avais demandé de remettre la carotte au bonhomme de neige !

La carotte c'est cette racine orange comestible et sucrée que l'on retrouve dans la plupart des bonnes recettes de cuisine. Fraîche, elle n'a qu'une seule couleur, un seul goût, un seul aspect : turgescente, ferme et croquante.

La carotte, c'est aussi cette locution nominale qui symbolise la promesse ! Ne s'oppose-t-elle pas à la menace du bâton ?

Enfin, la carotte c'est l'enseigne officielle du bureau de tabac français.

Je ne parlerai pas de la carotte des géologues.

Quant à "La carotte croquante" c'est un nouveau coup publicitaire pour "carotter" (extorquer par ruse) davantage d'argent aux pauvres gens que nous sommes.

Akelamalu said...

Mmmm I'd like to know the reasoning behind the 'crunchy' carrots too!

I voted on your poll, interesting everyone seems to eat at home. Do your restaurants open Christmas Day and do you get any customers?

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family m'dear. x

Krimo said...

Très bon exposé!
Entre le bâton et la carotte, il n'y a que la carotte qui produit des résultats.

We only ever opened one Christmas twenty four years ago.
We then decided, just like all those who have voted in this poll, that it's a time for families.
You too, have a great family Christmas, Akela. x