Krimo's Departing Joy...

She's on her way. Our Joanne, Joey, Jo... Five and a half years at Portofino.
Joey started with us at the tender age of 16, did her A-levels and then went to University. All the while, she progressed from trainee to head-waitress, from a shy teenager to a very confident young woman.
She has at last found a full-time job in her field of expertise.

Joanne is very much like many of the young employees who have helped us grow from a tiny restaurant, seating 32 people at Seaton Carew to three busy restaurants around the Marina.

These young kids start with us straight out of school and remain at least two years, while they take their A-levels. A few stay on even after they have started at one of the four local universities, Teesside, Durham, Sunderland or Newcastle. These turn out to be very valuable to the continuity of our operation. They get to coach and train new recruits fresh from school, shaping them in a very short time, into very capable members of staff.

This cycle has been going on for the last 24 years. Many of our earlier recruits often visit our restaurants with fiancés, husbands or wives, and quite often teenage children.

We have employed their younger brothers and sisters without even interviewing them. The mark left by their siblings was recommendation enough. As it happens, Joey's sister Nicole has been with us for the last two years.
(Nicole has just pointed out that she has been at Portofino for 3½ years!!!! Time flies when you're having fun, chick. I stand corrected. Sorry!)

Just like Nicola who left Krimo's a year ago to the day, Joey will be part of Portofino for a long time to come.
Thank you, babe!

Do not forget to tell us what you will do on Valentine's Day. (Poll in the top right hand corner)


Leni Qinan said...

Well, that's nice isn't it? People come and people go, but people always come back to your place!

((What will I do on Valentine's Day: romantic weekend at the seaside. So the 3 first options will do, lol))

Krimo said...

Leni, it looks like the World is 2/3 full of romantics.

Pat said...

Yours must be the very nicest kind of Academy - a boon to the local people for lots of reasons.
As we both hate going out on very cold evenings I suspect we'll have a quiet night in. But with MTL Valentines' Day lasts all the year round.

Krimo said...

My home made motto: "Sow as you wish to harvest."
Pat you're blessed with YTL. Everyday is a Valentine's.

Anonymous said...

Un bel exemple de fidélité !

Le mérite appartient à celui qui commence, même si le suivant fait mieux.

Bonne route ! Joanne, Joey, Jo ...

Krimo said...

C'est comme les dominos, Crabtree.
Il faut commencer assez haut et c'est juste une question d'élan...

Zéphyr said...

Un départ est toujours triste même s'il est heureux.

Il restera les souvenirs, les moments agréables, les collègues, les patrons.

Bonne route et bonne chance à Joey, Joanne, Jo, et à ceux qui sont partis ou sur le point de partir.

Pensez à ceux que vous laissez derrière.

valerie walsh said...

she is darling and I am sure she will be missed :(

Krimo said...

Joey laissera un bon souvenir.

Krimo said...

Val, Joey will leave a large gap both in Portofino and in our hearts.

Unknown said...

Its a great approach to benefit everyone and the story tells it all. Top stuff Krimo.

Krimo said...

Thanks, CR.
"Take a bit and give as much" is the only way.