Burning dreams...

I have been having weird dreams since my knee operation.

This morning, was it this morning or this afternoon? Was it not yesterday? Colin from Krimo's came to the office to talk news, reviews and mainly menus. A fruitful and vegetable meeting...
As he got up to leave I asked him whether he'd enjoyed his stint at Casa last week?
He looked at me and said:
"Casa? I wouldn't know the first thing about tapas. Especially when the menu is in blooming Spanish!"

I honestly, clearly remember somebody telling me that he had worked a shift at Casa del Mar as all the chefs were off... All that in what must have been a dream!

Since I came out of hospital, I have had very vivid dreams about cooking, kitchens, etc...

Last night I woke up in a sweat really believing that I had set a pan on fire. Then I realised that it was only a bad dream!

Moi, burn a pan? Are you joking me or what?

Just ask Lydia, our long-suffering-serving porter (At least 18 years at the sink!) Yes, just ask her if Krimo ever burnt a pan in his time in the kitchen!!!


Anonymous said...

Les Cocktails magiques des traitements font leur effet !!

Super le dessin , je l'utilise pour la bonne cause !

Krimo said...

Oui, ils commencent à me graisser les neurones...
Surtout ceux que je prends pour la constipation!

Akelamalu said...

Are you taking painkillers? I find I have wierd dreams when I take them.

Krimo said...

It might be that and the late nights, Akela...

Zéphyr said...

La caricature est marrante ! Mais nous ne savions pas que le mal du genou avait des vertus d'amaigrissement !

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

She said, 'yes'.

tee hee