Portofino's Thanks...

We often get Thank You cards from customers who have enjoyed their visit to one of our restaurants, but this is a new one.

There was a retirement party at Portofino on Friday night. There were 33 guests.
They must have really enjoyed themselves because below is the card we have received, signed by all the members of the party.
As soon as I arrived at work, Nicole, the assistant-manager showed me it, full of pride for a job well done.

It is my turn to say: "Thank you for coming to our restaurant, enjoying both food and service and not only that, but making our staff totally proud of themselves by sending them this card!"


Zéphyr said...

Un remerciement spontané venant d'un communauté désintéressée, est gratifiant et valorisant.

Il procure une sensation de bien-être et un sentiment de fierté; il fait remonter le moral de la troupe.

Le remerciement permet d'être plus exigeant envers soi-même et d'aller toujours de l'avant.

Bon courage à toute l'équipe, Nicole et les autres.

Pat said...

How sweet. I hope this custom of showing your appreciation filters through to the younger generation.

Krimo said...

Eh, oui, c'est la spontanéité du compliment qui me plaît beaucoup!

It does sometimes, Pat.
Back in the sixties, one of my sisters wrote a letter to our local paper. The subject was "Appreciation and courtesy are no longer in fashion!"
In the sixties... in Algeria!