Krimo's Visitors Books...

As you all may know, we have visitors books in all our restaurants, requesting customers views on our food and service.
The great majority of the comments left in these books tend to be complimentary "Beautiful this, Gorgeous that...". Pleasant but seldom helpful.

But on very rare occasions the comments point out, in focused and constructive ways things we may have missed. These can be very valuable as they can usually help us look at ourselves and try and sharpen our operation.

In the case of Portofino's visitors books, they are mainly used by our younger patrons and the comments tend to be very graphic in both meanings of the term.
Who am I to argue with this?


Zéphyr said...

Bizarrerie de la vie ! Mais je trouve ce commentaire très original et fort sympathique.

Une manière particulière du client d'exprimer sa satisfaction et de vous remercier.

Le dessin est éloquent : les yeux et la bouche traduisent bien cette émotion.

Leni Qinan said...

WOW! Spongebob Squarepants visited Portofino! ;)

Pat said...

Well Krimo up there they tell it like it is:)

Anonymous said...

C'est drôle ! Un plongeur qui laisse son empreinte ...