How to fillet a seabass...

Nowadays, most fish among other things, comes gutted, cleaned and neatly packaged. It does save a lot of effort but every now and then, it is nice to see professionals at work.
With most people, it is the staring eyes that put them off cooking or ordering a whole fish. Around the Med, fish comes the way I like it, whole, unfilleted and really tasty.


Pat said...

Is that for my supper? Yes please.

LDahl said...

I never know what I'll find here...always interesting though.
Just out of curiosity, do you have catfish?

Anonymous said...

La lotte (baudroie) à l'aspect repoussant un monstre que l'on surnomme parfois "crapaud" ou "diable de mer".
A la chair est si tendre et pas d'arêtes que les Portugais, surnommait le "poulet de mer".

"Genus Psychrolutes"
Un poisson de grand fond au physique ingrat, proche du flan gélatineux démoulé trop vite !
A la fois moelleux et dodu, Difficile de le cuisiner !?

C'est certain regardons les spécialiste faire !!