Krimo's Summer Madness...

When Krimo's was at Seaton Carew, I often took advantage of the rare warm Summer evenings to catch the last rays of sunshine. Just before the service, around 7pm, I sometimes sat a for a short while by the paddling pool across the road from the restaurant, facing the North sea and fantasizing it was the Mediterranean.

One warm Saturday night after a busy service, around 11.30, the whole kitchen team, all 5 of us headed for the beach. My second-chef aimed his Land Rover's headlights at the water and we all dived in, still wearing our chef's whites.

Even on the hottest August day, the North Sea is never clement and had it not been for our shared bravado, we would jumped right back out of the freezing water.

The current was so strong that the next time we looked back at the lit-up shore, we had drifted as far as the Staincliffe hotel, 500 yards away.

The highlight of that adventure came when a hungry seagull swooped on one of the commis-chefs and pecked him in the head maybe mistaking him for a juicy catch... He has never lived it down since.
I'll always remember that evening with fondness as it was the one and only time we were mad enough to take a midnight dip at Seaton.


Pat said...

So beautiful. There's something about the light in the NE.
I once asked my late nephew if he ever bathed there.
'In the North Sea. Are you mad Auntie Pat'

Anonymous said...

La pensée positive ( Méthode Coué ); Lorsque la volonté et l’imagination sont en accord, elles font plus que s’ajouter, elles se multiplient.

Il fait beau , il fait chaud ,la mer est belle ( et non la belle-mère ), le patron est sympa ! Les mouettes depuis sont assez moqueuses ! Ils disent qu'elle est omnivore , insectes et vers de terre mais également des végétaux et des déchets ménagers ,auxquels il faut ajouter maintenant les cuisiniers aux effluves divers de fritures et sauce !A moins qu'elle n'exécutait une danse nuptiale.Rien n'est trop bon pour "Larus ridibundus" :)

Il serait drôle de mettre à la porte de la cuisine cette pancarte " A la mouette rieuse " avec cette devise " Utilisez votre tête , ce sont les petites choses qui comptent ."

Krimo said...

Pat, you should be up here on Boxing Day! There are many mad people... all for charity.

Crabbers, la Mer du Nord n'est jamais chaude!
A la mouette rieuse! Un beau nom pour un nouveau resto.

Zéphyr said...

Les mers du Sud sont paradisiaques !
Chaudes, sauvages et envoûtantes.

Krimo said...

Bien dommage qu'elles soient trop au Sud...

Anonymous said...

yoo... thanks for thoughts!