Krimo's Young Gourmets...

Young Emilie (11) must have been so impressed with her teatime treat at Portofino that she had to write about it in our visitors book! She recommends the soup of the day among other things!!!
I love the French spelling of her name.
I shall have to congratulate her on this comment when she comes again.
Well done, Emilie!


Pat said...

How sweet! We are going to our favourite Italian tonight for MTL's birthday.

Krimo said...

Have a great time, Pat and Happy Birthday to YTL...

Zéphyr said...

Ah ces enfants ! Ilils ne finiront jamais assez de nous étonner.

Une fille si candide.

Comme elle, je raffole de spaghetti à la bolognaise.

Krimo said...

Les enfants nous surprennent tout le temps.
Moi aussi j'aime ca.

nsbrwttt said...

I love the 'yum' at the end