Krimo's Candlelit Dinners...

A few nights ago, we had two birthday parties at Portofino. One was a 13th and the other 16th. The thirteen year-olds were accompanied by a couple of parents. The sixteen-year olds were solo. Twelve of them but they all behaved impeccably.

When it came to lighting the candles on the birthday cakes, both sets of girls sang Happy Birthday to each other.

Both cakes lit up the whole restaurant and the singalong created a great atmosphere.

I took this photo on my iphone.

A busy place on a Wednesday night made even "buzzier"!


Pat said...

How sweet that they sang to each other and how great that they behaved like young ladies should.

Zéphyr said...

Ce fut, probablement, un spectacle très émouvant.

Les visages semblent transfigurés par la magie des lieux.

Les ombres et lumières savamment dosées.

LDahl said...

I agree with Pat! Doesn't that make you wish them both happy futures and many birthdays to come?